This morning’s announcement appears to be a 1-yr delay for in-year cuts directly impacting municipalities that were made in this year’s budget. Specifically for ground/land ambulance services, child care and public health. This reversal is for the year. Stated that they are giving the municipalities more time and they will work them. Whether this opens the door to any changes in the cuts is unclear but it assures they won’t apply for this year. Ford maintained that the government must continue to maintain the deficit and they will balance the budget in the next five years. Said that many of the municipalities are eager to accept the government’s help for the external audit funding.
We will await further information, but it does not appear to extend to any other of the announced cuts.
Ford to cancel retroactive municipal cuts that have hit public health, child care and other city services |
Monday, May 27, 2019. 9:53 AM EDT |
Bowing to pressure from Mayor John Tory, the Ontario premier announced Monday that he was rethinking the cuts that the city maintains has cost civic coffers upwards of $177 million. | |
Doug Ford reverses retroactive funding cuts amid fierce pressure from Toronto
Doug Ford’s slide in polls reflects disillusionment in his government’s direction