Draft Cataloguing Code of Ethics Open for Comments
“June 12, 2020
The Cataloging Ethics Steering Committee has released a draft Cataloguing Code of Ethics for comment.
Readers are encouraged to provide feedback and ask questions directly in the draft document using the Comment feature. The document is open for comments until August 1, 2020.
Established by the cataloguing communities in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States, the Committee is tasked with compiling a Code of Ethics for Cataloguers to provide ethical guidance for cataloguing and metadata creation. Some of the topics of concern included:
- creating ethical authority data;
- ethical use of classification schemes and controlled vocabularies which can contain outdated and potentially offensive terms;
- as well as professional continuing education on ethical concerns.
The Code is intended to be “a dynamic document embodying the collective experiences and wisdom of our community of practice and will consist of a framework, with guidance and examples of best practice, which can be shared across the cataloguing community.”
The Cataloging Ethics Steering Committee is pleased to announce the release of the DRAFT Cataloguing Code of Ethics. The document can be accessed by clicking on this link:
The Committee encourages you to provide feedback and ask questions by using the “Comment” feature in the Google doc. The window for commenting on the draft within the Google doc will close on August 1, 2020.
Further information about the Cataloguing Code of Ethics effort can be found on the Cataloging Ethics Steering Committee website: https://sites.google.com/view/cataloging-ethics/home
(Via Cataloging Ethics Steering Committee)”