Details announced of next steps to support the industry impacted by the global COVID-19 pandemic
Read the News Release HERE.
The $500 million Emergency Support Fund will provide additional temporary relief to support cultural, heritage and sport organizations and help them plan for the future.The Fund will be administered by Canadian Heritage and divided among select departmental programs and Portfolio agencies as well as key delivery organizations, including:
Up to $326.8 million to be distributed by Canadian Heritage, of which:
- $198.3 million will be provided to the beneficiaries of arts and culture funding through existing programs as well as other organizations with demonstrated needs;
- $72 million will be provided to the sport sector;
- $53 million will be provided to the heritage sector through the emergency component of the Museums Assistance Program; and,
- $3.5 million will be provided for COVID-related projects under the Digital Citizen Initiative
The distribution of funds will be in two phases:
Phase 1: For funding recipients who are projecting a significant financial impact as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
Phase 2: As part of the $500 million budget envelope, the second phase will provide temporary support, including funding for eligible organizations with heritage collections through the emergency component of the Museums Assistance Program. Further details on Phase 2 will be announced in the coming weeks.
Eligibility for Emergency Support:
Provincial/territorial crown corporations would not be eligible for funding but cultural institutions associated with educational institutions or universities would be eligible.
Read more about eligibility HERE.
Eligibility for Museums Assistance Program funds:
- Not-for-profit organizations with a heritage collection, such as museums (including seasonal museums and those without full-time staff), archives and historic sites will be eligible to apply to the emergency component of the Museums Assistance Program.
- Indigenous and official language minority community organizations with a heritage collection may also be eligible to apply.
- Zoos, aquaria, public libraries and other organizations that do not have a heritage collection are not eligible to the emergency funding under the Museums Assistance Program.
How much support is available?
Grants ranging from $5,000 up to a maximum of $100,000 may be awarded to eligible heritage organizations according to a formula based on the applicant’s 2019 total expenses.
News Release
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