First Nations Public Library Week runs from Oct. 4-10 and recognizes the vital role of public libraries in indigenous communities. This year’s theme is Celebrating Diversity, with a number of online events scheduled, including an author reading, a panel discussion on indigenous literature, and the importance of indigenous storytelling. Nipissing First Nation artist Juliana Armstrong’s painting titled Raising Readers was used for this year’s poster, and illustrates how libraries inform and enlighten new generations. Currently there are 46 public libraries in First Nations communities in Ontario, providing books and other content that help to raise awareness about indigenous culture both past and present. Join NPL in congratulating First Nations Public Libraries on their success and achievements. You can check out this year’s online events at

Image may contain: text that says 'FIRST NATIONS OCT4-10,2020 OCT 10, 2020 PUBLIC LIBRARY WEEK CELEBRATING DIVERSITY'