Hello Members,
The Annual General Meeting for the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries will take place virtually via Zoom on Friday, June 10th at 10:00am. Please note this change from the previously mentioned date in April. Registration will begin at 9:30am. The draft agenda can be found on the website in the members section, https://fopl.ca/agm/. It will be updated 30 days prior to the AGM. Only members in good standing are eligible to attend and vote at the AGM.
To attend the AGM, please register on Eventbrite. The zoom link to attend will be sent via Eventbrite after registration.
Dates to note:
- Any member resolutions are due no later than 30 days prior to the AGM; Wednesday, May 11th, 2022 at 4:00pm.
- Nominations or self-nominations for board vacancies are due March 31, 2022.
- Proxy forms can be sent in until Thursday, June 9th at 4:00pm.
Nominations for Board Positions
The following positions will be available for the 2022 to 2024 FOPL Board:
- First Nations Caucus CEO
- Rural Caucus Trustee
- Large Urban Caucus Trustee
- Large Urban Caucus CEO #1
- Large Urban Caucus CEO #2
- Small Medium Caucus Trustee
Please send nominations to dinastevens@fopl.ca. If only one qualified nominee is received by the deadline, that applicant will be acclaimed. In the event of multiple nominations for the same position, a Caucus election will occur in the month of April.
Notice of Motions
According to Bylaw 1, Section 9.2, resolutions shall be prepared and submitted to the Board no later than 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. Resolutions, other than resolutions proposed by the Board, may not exceed 200 words in length, and shall be signed by the presiding officer and the secretary of the submitting body. Any member who would like to propose a motion may do so until Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at 4:00pm. Please send resolutions to dinastevens@fopl.ca.
The board has proposed an updating of the FOPL Bylaws. According to Bylaw 1, Section 16.1, This By-law may only be amended by a two-thirds majority of those Members present and voting at a properly convened general or special meeting of FOPL. The motion must be preceded by adequate notice. A draft copy of the Bylaws will be posted on the member website no later than May 1, 2022.
The Proxy Form is now available on the website. The proxy form is designed to provide Members who, for whatever reason, cannot attend the AGM, with a method of participation in the meeting. Proxies also ensure that quorum is achieved for this very important meeting. Proxy forms can be sent to admin@fopl.ca. Proxy forms can be sent in until Thursday, June 9th at 4:00pm.
If members have any questions with any of the information provided in this Notice of the 2022 Annual General Meeting, please contact admin@fopl.ca.
Dina Stevens, MLIS
Executive Director