FOPL is pleased to announce another University of Toronto Symposium in partnership with FOPL and OLA.
FOPL and OLA members are eligible for a 20% discount.
A University of Toronto / Dysart & Jones / FOPL Symposium
March 2-3, 2017
University of Toronto, Faculty of Information
140 St George Street, 7th Floor
Toronto, ON M5S 3G6
User experience (UX) and design are critical for customer engagement. This symposium brings together experienced and knowledgeable speakers and practitioners to look at strategies and tactics for engaging customers with easy to use programs, web sites, and more.
From Jared M. Spool, UX expert & Founder, User Interface Engineering
“Of the important things you do every day in your job, what percentage did you learn how to do in school?” When I ask user experience designers this question, most tell me less than 25%. Even those who have only been out of school for just a few years.
In fact, some of today’s best user experience designers never learned design in school at all. They taught themselves what they needed to know. They learned from peers, from seeking out their own resources, and through the process of trial-and-error.
So come and learn from our experts and your colleagues!
All great discussion areas! Join us.
We have assembled a great group of speakers to explore the issues of the changing landscape.
You will have a terrific learning experience and a chance to join the conversation and learn what others are doing with the e-book challenge!
Stephen Abram, executive Director, Federation of Ontario Public Libraries
MJ D’Elia, University of Guelph
David Lee King, Topeka & Shawnee Public Library
March 2-3, 2017
Program Link
Visit the website to see more or register: