Due to construction through early 2018 at North York Central Library, the FOPL offices have moved to the B1 level of Toronto Reference Library at 789 Yonge Street (At Bloor).
Our telephones are now working! Our cel phones do not work underground here.
Since we work three days per week each, the best way to contact us is by using e-mail.
Stephen Abram, executive director.
Cel: 416-669-4855
Office: 416-395-0746
Fax: 416-395-0743
Helen Morrison, Administrative Assistant.
Office: 416-395-5638
Fax: 416-395-0743
Our mailing address remains the same.
Federation of Ontario Public Libraries
c/o North York Central Library
5120 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON M2N 5N9