FOPL OpenMediaDesk project recruiting now: high-impact social media lab training for your library!
Since October of 2016, library staff from some 35 library systems as diverse as Toronto Public and Cochrane, Vaughan to Aurora, have thrived in OMD’s open, collaborative learning environment, discovering a new-found confidence and pride in both their creative and strategic skills over eight two hour sessions. This high impact social media / marketing-communication training is targeted to cover most of Ontario public libraries by 2018.
Led by Daniel Lee, a specialty librarian and knowledge management specialist who’s run enterprise-wide software implementations for three of Canada’s Big Four accounting houses and media designer Brendan Howley, a former CBC TV investigative journalist and Fortune 500 content strategist, OMD has won rave reviews (93% positive) from participants, who love the hands-on, peer-to-peer dynamic.
Folks learn—learn to love thinking about how and where data meets story meets media—and they continue to learn.
Participant engagement is high and the results speak for themselves: participants from earlier cohorts continue to hang out online with present OMDers.
On-call, by request intensives on select Monday mornings, the OMD ‘supersessions,’ ensure that the ambitious participants dig deeper into data-driven media solutions for their libraries.
The OMD ‘state of play’ is captured in this April 2017 report to the FOPL board  three participant videos shared with the FOPL board and assessing the scope and usefulness of OMD to staff work and their community together were part of with the walk through of the Phase3 (spring 2017) OMD work.
Here’s one Phase3 participant video, unedited:
For more on this challenging yet supportive program for libraries large and small—gratis to all FOPL member libraries—contact FOPL CEO Stephen Abram via
If you can’t make this cohort, you can always book later: we’re recruiting now through May 2018, in six week cohorts, beginning (of course) this November 14th.