Do you struggle with innovative programming for teens and young adults who are not traditional library users? Here is an innovative idea for partnership with a successful charity that supports youth and wins awards for the rigorous process and ideas.  I am quite enamored of their work and think the opportunity for some libraries to do some amazing things by partnering with Unity is huge.

Check out our next FOPL Webinar!  I promise you’ll be educated and inspired by our speaker. They do such amazing work to support youth and teens.

Partnerships for Making a Difference: The Case for Unity Charity and Youth Programming

Date: March 2, 2016

Time: Noon-1:00 p.m.

Speaker: Michael Prosserman CEO at Unity Charity


I am including some links and videos about Unity for your preview.

For some more info on what they do:

Preview YouTube video UNITY Charity – Express Your Stress – BEATBOX

UNITY Charity – Express Your Stress – BEATBOX

Preview YouTube video TEDxYouth@Toronto – Mike Prosserman (UNITY Charity)

TEDxYouth@Toronto – Mike Prosserman (UNITY Charity)

Preview YouTube video What is UNITY Promo

What is UNITY Promo

Preview YouTube video Redefining labels: Mike Prosserman at TEDxYouth@NickelCity

Redefining labels: Mike Prosserman at TEDxYouth@NickelCity
Here’s our speaker’s contact info too:
Founder And Executive Director, UNITY Charity
As usual, this webinar will be recorded with the slides and provided on the FOPL website within days of the event.
Registration is preferred.  It is FREE to members.  As many staff as you like from your library (including board members) are welcome to attend.  Some libraries use this as an opportunity for professional development and do it over lunch.  Just send an e-mail to Monica Mixemong at FOPL to get on the list ( and you’ll get the sign-in information.
We will send out more reminders of these events as they get closer.
Our goal at FOPL is to maximize your investment in FOPL through webinars like these where e engage in ideas and discussion.
Stephen Abram, MLS, FSLA
Executive Director, Federation of Ontario Public Libraries