Michael Prosserman, executive director of UNITY, gave an excellent (and inspirational) FOPL webinar today about UNITY Charity’s work with youth. If you liked UNITY’s approach, here are some:
–Partner by providing space & refreshments for a currently funded UNITY program
–Book artists for performances and events to better engage youth and stakeholders
–Create a one-off trial workshop series
–Engage UNITY in a regular youth program partnership
–or…suggest an awesome idea for your own system J
Contact Mike at mike@unitycharity.com
Twitter: @unitycharity
Instagram: @bboypiecez
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/unitycharity/?fref=ts
Here are today’s slides:
Preview YouTube video UNITY Charity – Express Your Stress – BEATBOX
Preview YouTube video What is UNITY Promo
Preview YouTube video Redefining labels: Mike Prosserman at TEDxYouth@NickelCity