Ministry of Education Announces new Education Plan: Education that Works for You
On March 15th, 2019, the Ministry of Education announced the government’s new plan: Education that Works for You.
This plan was announced in a press release (March 15, 2019) with further details related to:
In addition to curriculum changes, the plan includes implications for class sizes at the secondary school level, hiring practices of teachers, as well as adjustments to the Grants for Student Needs (GSN) funding, yet to be specified.
In December, OSLA, in consultation with TALCO, submitted recommendations in support of Ontario School Libraries, as part of the Ministry of Education 2019-20 Education Funding Guide Consultation. These recommendations focus on ensuring that funds allocated to school libraries are spent on school libraries. OLA will continue to meet with representatives from the Ministry of Education to ensure that the Ministry understands the important role that school libraries play in Ontario Education.
Report from the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
On March 4th, the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs tabled its Pre-Budget Consultations 2019 Report. On page 29 of the report, the Committee notes several key messages shared by OLA, FOPL and local libraries during the consultation process, including the need for a $17 million increase to the base funding for libraries.
Witnesses included the Dryden Public Library, the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries and the Ontario Library Association, the Ottawa Public Library, and the Timmins Public Library.
The Ontario Budget is set to be released April 11th.
A Call to Action
Please continue to meet with and engage your local MPPs of all parties. FOPL and OLA are pleased to provide documents and talking points.
Stephen Abram
Sarah Roberts