Here are some free pro-mask images for you and/or your library to use.  English and Spanish.

If anyone send me a great French translation I submit a request.


Get Your Mask On

“A few days ago, librarianmusings2017 commented on one of my posts that I should make COVID-19 versions of my LAFE images with patrons wearing masks.

Then yesterday, I reached out to RAYGUN and asked permission to create a librarian version of one of their amazing masks, and they said YES!!!! 

So for 24 hours I’ve been working on designing something that I hope means as much to you as it does to me. And as always on my site, you may download anything, modify/remix, and use it however you’d like. And like all of my minimalist work, I ask that you don’t credit me on the work itself.


A HUGE THANK YOU to my library-people: Angie and librarianmusings2017.

ETA: there are now Spanish versions of this design.

Claudia Depkin from Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library contacted me with a request: might I create a Spanish version of my My Mask Protects My Community designs? Why yes, yes I might. And did.

In case you were wondering, I chose the mask colors based on South American countries’ flags.

And I’m grateful for my friends who debated the best translation for this – you know who you are. Hopefully in the end, I made a good call to balance what sounds right and what works right for a bold statement.

Also, I want to thank RAYGUN again, for allowing me to base these images on their original work.”