Dear colleagues,
IFLA is creating a Global Vision and is looking for input from our country. The discussions are aimed at strengthening the ties of the library field and helping to identify future challenges and opportunities. There are now invited people in the library community to complete a short survey. There are only 6 questions and it takes about 5 minutes.
16 days left to have your say and get involved in the IFLA Global Vision!
Watch this video: and see how easy it is to take part!
Step 1: Go to:
Step 2: Select your preferred language
Step 3: Vote!
Please visit this website, select the language you prefer and vote online.
You should vote and have your say.
Let’s make a strong contribution from our country to the IFLA Global Vision!
A new chapter opens in the IFLA Global Vision discussion – online voting.
With the Online Voting, we are offering all librarians and library friends the easiest way to contribute to and influence the global conversation about shaping the future of the united library field.
Below you will find a set of 6 questions and 10 choices, out of which you are welcome to select up to 5 that you feel strongly about. The answers are based on outcomes of the Global Vision kick-off meeting and six regional workshops organized by IFLA between April and July 2017. The meetings gathered library leaders from more than 140 countries, who were expressing their views on the issues included in the questions.
Your votes matter. We want the Global Vision discussion to be your discussion and a true bottom-up activity. Along with the outcomes from the meetings organised by IFLA as well as the self-facilitated ones organised by librarians across the world, the results of your voting will inform IFLA’s Global Vision report – a roadmap to help define the agenda to create a more united library field. In the face of increasing globalisation, we need libraries to be connected and stronger than ever before.
Don’t miss out! Voting closes on 30 September 2017.
Together we create the future! Join us!