Report: “Library Return on Investment: Reviewing the Evidence From the Last 10 Years”
“Introduction and link “Library Return on Investment – Review of Evidence from the Last 10 Years” report by the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA).
From an Introductory Blog Post:
Over the last few decades, libraries have been exploring various ways to assess and demonstrate their value and contribution to users and communities. Return on Investment is a commonly used method to demonstrate value – and a new publication by IFLA offers an overview of ROI studies across various library sectors over the last 10 years.
The methods of measuring ROI and quantifying the value of libraries’ work vary across different studies – and, understandably, distinct library types take on significantly different roles, which is why there is also variation between methods of measuring and quantifying benefits across library sectors.
This publication reviews the way different types of libraries have measured the value of their work and return on investment over the last ten years. As library services evolve, so does their understanding of how to assess their value and impacts – and this review aims to illustrate the various approaches to measuring library ROI between and within different sectors.
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7 pages; PDF.
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