Project Outcome E-News
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Project Outcome
Implementing Follow-Up Surveys at Your Library
Tutorial Videos
New Website Designs & Features Coming Soon
Capturing Outcomes of Library Programs
Transforming Libraries, Impacting the Classroom
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Share Your Story!
Hastings Highlands Public Library and Bancroft Public Library CEO’s presented at the OPLA Community-Led Think Tank. Our topic was Initiating Outcome Based Planning and Evaluation. During our presentation, we shared that many of the tools that we had been using were part of the toolbox in Project Outcome. We look forward to spending more time with the website and embracing more of the resources provided. As small, rural library administrators, we appreciate that this is an accessible and equitable opportunity.
& be featured in the next e-News!
Virtual Meeting: Implementing Follow-Up Surveys at Your Library
Thursday, August 24, 1-2 p.m. Central Time

Have you been wanting to follow up with your patrons but don’t know where to start? This virtual meeting will provide an opportunity for libraries interested in implementing Project Outcome Follow-Up Surveys to collaborate, ask questions, share ideas, and discuss challenges and strategies for following up with patrons. Participants will receive a brief overview of Project Outcome and the Follow-Up Surveys and learn from real library examples.

Participant interaction is highly encouraged in this meeting. Registrants will receive an email invitation with meeting and login details closer to the event. REGISTER HERE

Tutorial Videos
A series of video tutorials will soon be released to help libraries get started using Project Outcome. These videos will cover four key areas: Getting Started, Survey Management, Report Builder, and Data Dashboards. Multiple mini videos will be available within each area so users can easily find the help they need. “Getting Started” will be the first of the video series released and available later this month! 
New Website Designs & Features
This month, more improvements and changes are coming to Project Outcome, including the full-color redesign of the website, the availability of quick-print report links for every survey to make accessing your summary reports even easier, and the addition of “no response” options for paper survey entry when patrons skip a question. We rely on your feedback to continue improving and helping libraries easily measure outcomes. To submit your feedback, use the “Site Feedback” tool at the bottom of

Additional Data Training

Capturing Outcomes of Library Programs
Infopeople 4-week online course
September 5 – October 2

If your library offers programming then you know it is important to evaluate it. In the past, traditional output measurements such as attendance and participation have been the primary means of evaluation, but what strategies can you use to determine whether and how you’re meeting important program goals? By capturing outcomes programming staff get the chance to see and document changes in patrons’ attitudes, behaviors, and skills inspired by their programming. For a complete course description and to register CLICK HERE.

ALA/PLA Opportunities

Transforming Libraries, Impacting the Classroom
Wednesday, August 2, 1-2 p.m. Central Time

The advent and distribution of eBooks has reinvented the modern library. With collaborations focused on new models for eBook access and geolocation technology, libraries can harness their resources while also creating a greater sense of community. In this webinar, we will take a look at eBooks Minnesota, which has found a niche serving classrooms throughout the state with DRM-free eBooks from top K-12 publishers. During the webinar we will showcase usage data, discuss trends, and hear stories about how the project is re-envisioning how simple public and school library collaboration can be in a model that works for everyone, including publishers. REGISTER HERE

This webinar is presented by Libraries Transform, ALA’s public awareness and advocacy campaign, and is sponsored by Biblioboard.

Upcoming Webinar
Upcoming Webinar
Project Outcome Virtual Meeting: Implementing Follow-Up Surveys at Your Library
August 24, 1-2 PM Central

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Project Outcome Progress
Project Outcome Progress
Participants: 4,000+
Surveys Collected: 55,000+
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