You may already be aware that the Indigenous Culture Fund (ICF) programs administered by the Ontario Arts Council are now open.  I am including information about the ICF from the OAC below.

The ICF has three programs, which provide potential funding opportunities for First Nation Public Libraries, Indigenous individuals, communities and organizations. You may wish to share this information with your members and others in your communities.

For example, the ICF Small Grant program includes travel to conferences among its eligible activities. The ICF Project Grant programs are designed to fund many types of cultural activities, including language teaching.

The ICF Small Grant program has no deadline (it is always open). The deadline for ICF Project Grant programs is November 1, 2017.

If you have questions about the program, I encourage you to be in contact with the Ontario Arts Council, using the contact information below.


Sarah Hahn 
Manager (A) | Culture Policy Unit
Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport

(416-314-1363 | *

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Indigenous Culture Fund
programs now open
Toronto, September 15, 2017 – Applications are now available for all three funding programs under the Indigenous Culture Fund (ICF). The ICF programs for individuals and organizations have been established to support First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities, culture and way of life.

ICF Small Grants

  • What this program supports: Short-term community, culture and way-of-life projects in Ontario with grants of up to $5,000.
  • Who can apply: Ontario-based Indigenous organizations, groups and individuals. First-time applicants, youth and Elders are all encouraged to apply.
  • Deadline: Applications accepted year-round.
  • Full details on this program.

ICF Project Grants for Individuals, Groups and Collectives

  • What this program supports: Larger community, culture and way-of-life projects in Ontario, with up to $30,000 for short-term projects and up to $60,000 for long-term projects.
  • Who can apply: Ontario-based Indigenous organizations, groups and individuals.
  • Deadline: November 1, 2017 at 1 p.m.
  • Full details on this program.

ICF Project Grants for Organizations

  • What this program supports: Large-scale projects undertaken by Indigenous organizations in Ontario, with up to $60,000 for short-term projects and up to $120,000 for long-term projects.
  • Who can apply: Ontario-based Indigenous organizations – including not-for profits, schools, service organizations, community centres, councils and more.
  • Deadline: November 1, 2017 at 1 p.m.
  • Full details on this program.


ICF Staffing Update

Janine is a member of the Chippewas of Nawash First Nation, with paternal ties to the Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point First Nation. She has several years of non-profit management experience, and was most recently the Director of Community Engagement and Indigenous Relations at Teach For Canada. Of note, is her role over several years as the Project Coordinator and Events Manager for Indigenous Writers’ Gathering.Our thanks to OAC Associate Director of Granting, Kerry Swanson, who worked closely with our Ministry colleagues to develop the ICF programs and their components. Kerry has decided to leave OAC to pursue independent projects with an Indigenous arts focus and is passing the ICF responsibility on to our new Manager of the Indigenous Culture Fund, Janine Manning.

Erika is of Omushkego and Eeyou Cree heritage, and is a member of Constance Lake First Nation. She lives in Toronto. Most recently, Erika was the Artistic Director for Native Women in the Arts and associate producer ofTributaries the opening night of Toronto’s Luminato festival.Joining the ICF team on October 2, 2017, as Indigenous Culture Fund Grants Facilitator is Erika Iserhoff.
About ICF

This fund is part of the Government of Ontario’s response to the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC). The OAC and Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport (MTCS) acknowledge and thank all of the survivors, their relations and the TRC.

ICF was created through a process of extensive outreach and collaboration with Indigenous communities across Ontario. ICF exists to support cultural priorities and activities as defined by Indigenous peoples and communities, including on and off-reserve, urban, rural and remote.

The goals of ICF programs are to:

  • Support the vitality and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis expression and ways of life.
  • Create opportunities for Indigenous people to continue community building.
  • Support community-based activities that foster well-being and resilience for Indigenous peoples of all ages.
  • Support Indigenous peoples to engage in and share cultural practices, knowledge and learning.
  • Support Indigenous language revitalization.

The process of engagement is an ongoing one. If you have feedback on ICF, we would like to hear from you.

Click here to sign up for news about ICF.

The ICF Team

This new fund is administered by Indigenous staff members at the OAC, on behalf of the Province of Ontario through the MTCS.

If you have any questions about the ICF programs, please contact:

Kateri Gauthier
Indigenous Culture Fund
Program Administrator
1-800-387-0058, ext. 7424
Darlene Naponse
Indigenous Community
Engagement Developer
Erika Iserhoff (after October 2, 2017)
Indigenous Culture Fund
Grants Facilitator
Erika’s contact information will be
available as of October 2, 2017.
Janine Manning
Manager of the Indigenous Culture Fund
1-800-387-0058, ext.7469


The Indigenous Culture Fund is part of Ontario’s response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. We thank the Commission and all the survivors who shared their stories for pointing the way forward.

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