Results from this survey will provide government policy makers and cultural sector stakeholders with a comprehensive repository of knowledge on Canada’s current labour market.
The LMI Study will also identify trends and provide recommendations on how to address issues arising from forecasts of cultural labour supply-demand gaps.

Invitation to Participate: Cultural Sector Labour Market Information (LMI) Survey
November 27, 2018
Dear colleague,
The Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC) and the Conference Board of Canada (CBoC) are undertaking an update of the 2010 Labour Market Information Study of the cultural labour force. An essential component of the update is an online survey which we are inviting you to complete:
The survey will take 10-15 minutes. Individual answers will be kept confidential and will be presented only in aggregate form. Your voice as part of Canada’s cultural sector labour force is very important to us.
CHRC and the CBoC are committed to hearing from employers, artists and workers in all of the arts disciplines and cultural industries. You are receiving this invitation as a member of CHRC or by referral from CHRC’s LMI Advisory Committee or LMI Steering Committee.
Results from this survey will be included in the LMI study to be published by CHRC in September 2019. Funded by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), it will provide government policy makers and cultural sector stakeholders with a comprehensive repository of knowledge on Canada’s current labour market. The LMI Study will also identify trends and provide recommendations on how to address issues arising from forecasts of cultural labour supply-demand gaps.
Please forward this email and/or the link to any cultural colleagues in your own networks and encourage them to complete the survey as well.
For any issues or questions about the survey and/or the LMI, please contact me directly. On behalf of CHRC and the CBoC, thank you for participating in this research.
Kind regards,
Grégoire Gagnon, D. Mus. & MPA
Project Manager, CHRC