Librarians face increasing violence on the job, Toronto Public Library figures show
by FOPLED | Feb 3, 2020 | FOPL News |
Librarians face increasing violence on the job, Toronto Public Library figures show
Part of the problem is fewer staff at the branches, librarians’ union says
With Dr. Steve Albrecht. A 90-minute workshop.
Thursday, February 27, 2020
2:30 pm Eastern | 1:30 pm Central | 12:30 pm Mountain | 11:30 am Pacific
Cases of workplace violence involving armed perpetrators at libraries are both rare and catastrophic. Not all subjects have used guns in these attacks; edged weapons are a concern as well. Recent attacks in Sacramento, CA; Framingham, MA; and Clovis, NM have heightened the awareness of the need for library employees to follow the national Department of Homeland Security (DHS) protocol: Run – Hide – Fight. Since all employees are in charge of their own sense of security, they need to know what to do, what not to do, and how to protect themselves and others during these life-changing events. Dr. Albrecht uses empowerment over fear to make you feel comfortable about an uncomfortable subject like this one (e.g. no explicit videos or frightening stories). |
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