This website captures the themes that most public libraries in Ontario participated in and provided at the Libraries2025 Summit at the Royal York Hotel. Building on the success of Libraries 2020 Summit it provides a report on what we’ve done collaboratively, where we stand, and what is still to do. The directors and CEOs of FOPL, CULC, OLA, OLS-North, and SOLS are committed to tackling all of these themes in conjunction with public libraries across the province.
This is what we heard from you:
Three themes emerged at Libraries 2025:
- the need for libraries to have the tools to tell their story;
- the need to have trained and knowledgeable staff; and
- the ongoing transition and evolution of libraries.
What are we doing now:
- How to get involved: IMAGINE THE FUTURE
- Sharing our stories: via social media
- We need your: stats, HR coordinators, special skills
- Identify specific interests: create pilot programs
Upcoming & Future:
- Joint webinar: update on Libraries 2025 progress
- On demand feedback e.g.:
- government platform (polling plug-in)
- forums (survey monkey)
Take a look at the website ans you can see the map we’ve created collaboratively through our work with our community though our collective associations and agencies to build capacity in Ontario’s public libraries.