Drafting a new set of policies for Windosr PL was high on the To Do list. They are now posted on the WPL website at http://www.windsorpubliclibrary.com/?page_id=835
Windsor Public Library Policies
► New Operational Policy – Naming, Donations and Sponsorships Policy
Kitty Pope is happy to share them and talk to folks.
As you will see they firmly position the WPL Board as responsible for the governance and management of library services, and with the live links it is a robust but user-friendly document.
The last policy listed is the newest and perhaps the most difficult policy to draft.
Naming, Donations and Sponsorship Policy….it is more detailed than most WPL policies but clearly delineates the role of the city and the library board. I suspect for many libraries it is more than they need, but in Windsor’s case it is a good thing.
If appropriate I am honoured if you would share this work with library land and of course
I would be glad to answer any questions.
Kitty Pope
Chief Executive Officer
Windsor Public Library
850 Ouellette Avenue
Windsor, ON
N9A 4M9