OCLC & ACRL: 2 webinars on libraries managing the crisis


“One on the 13th, one on the 14th April. Firstly, on 13 April at OCLC has organised a 90 minute webinar, starting 3pm US Eastern time (e.g. 8pm UK time) OCLC Virtual Town Hall: Libraries and the COVID-19 Crisis with 4 speakers from different sectors (public, school, special and academic) and OCLC and Webjunction staff. They “will share their experiences with the shifting landscape, including how libraries are moving services, programming, and learning online.” Go to https://www.webjunction.org/events/webjunction/town-hall-covid.html

Secondly on 14 April at 3pm US Central time (which is, for example, 9pm UK time) ACRL has organised Beyond “Managing Change”: Leading Through Seismic Shifts “The shocks and aftershocks we’re experiencing present unprecedented challenges and unanswerable questions. What can leaders at every level do to prepare for and address the institutional and individual effects of rapid, unplanned, and momentous events? Drawing from best practices for leadership, change management, and organizational communication, this webcast will offer perspectives and tools for doing the best we can under extraordinary circumstances.” I think the focus here is on academic libraries. Go to https://ala-events.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_77WMd5rfRXaJYoaGSCyw-g”