Interested in Cybersecurity?
OLA and FOPL members are eligible for a 20% discount on registration.
U of T iSchool Symposium
July 11-12, 2019
Cybersecurity: Libraries ARE a Target!
- Brian Pichman, Evolve Project
- Frank Cervone, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Paul Takala, Chief Librarian/CEO, Hamilton Public Library
- Isaac Straley, Chief Security Officer, University of Toronto
- Bo Wandschneider, Chief Information Officer, University of Toronto
- Jonathan Hodge, Toronto Public Library
- Michael Ridley, Former CIO and Chief Librarian, University of Guelph
- Tracy Maleeff, MLS, Cyber Analyst & Guest Editor, InfoSecurity Magazine
For more details & detailed program schedule: https://www.
To register. https://www.
Please join us!
Poster: Symposium Poster July 2019
What do you need to have in place to have a secure library? What do your libraries need to recommend to their clients so they are safer online? No matter what type of library, public institution, museum or community organization you are with, you need to be prepared and knowledgeable about cybersecurity. Join our experienced, knowledgeable practitioners and leaders in cybersecurity to up your game in your organization.
University of Toronto iSchool Symposium in partnership with Dysart & Jones Associates
Scary things are happening in our library technology spaces!
Whether you’re working in the academic or public library sector this is the workshop for you. If you’re training end users on how to surf smart, then you’ll learn a lot.
If these issues challenge your management team, or you unsure if your knowledge is current on cybersecurity, then this is the symposium for you to explore new ways to develop your organizations’ threat avoidance and response strategies for the coming years.What do your libraries need to recommend to their users so they are safer online?
Please join us or send someone from your system to this event on July 11th & 12th.
Conference Co-Chairs:
· Jane Dysart, Senior Partner, Dysart & Jones
· Stephen Abram, Principal, Lighthouse Consulting Inc.
Comments on Our iSchool Symposia
Good mix of theory & practice, concepts & examples & time to discuss & ask questions; variety was great; good pace
· Nice to see the use of Skype, I’ve never seen that in a symposium
· Do it again!
· Got more relevant information than at other conferences
· It was great! Learned a lot & got some ideas for my library.
· Most useful having actual examples of what is working for libraries
· Loved the venue
· Excellent!
Attendees had this to say about previous iSchool / Dysart & Jones Symposia:
“This symposium had some of the best overall content of any conference I’ve attended, including big ones like OLA, PLA, ALA, etc.”
“Enjoyed the mix of in person, multimedia, Skype.” “Great mix.” “The variety added to the ability to maintain attention – you got it right.”
“Choice of speakers was outstanding.” “They all excelled.”
“All the speakers were inspiring and informative.
University of Toronto, Faculty of Information, Bissell Building, Room 728
140 St George Street, 7th Floor, Toronto, ON (map)