Response from the Honourable Eleanor McMahon, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport
December 28, 2017
Mr. Stephen Abram
Executive Director
Federation of Ontario Public Libraries
Dear Mr. Abram:
Thank you for your letter supporting the recommendations of the Ontario First Nation Public Libraries Needs Assessment Report.
On November 6, 2017 we shared the report with all First Nation public libraries, public libraries and public library sector organizations. The findings of the needs assessment and the feedback from the libraries will assist the ministry in its work with First Nation public libraries.
Thank you for also providing information on public libraries as community hubs, the contributions and needs of First Nation public libraries, and your progress with the project to twin First Nation public libraries with those of larger communities.
Ministry staff are meeting with other ministries to discuss the needs of public sector and First Nation libraries, such as broadband. We will keep the Federation informed of these ongoing discussions and their results.
Thank you again for your support and for all that you do for Ontario public libraries.
All my best,
Eleanor McMahon