CELA is excited to announce that the Ontario Government’s Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sport has renewed our funding for the period covering April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019. The funds will allow us to continue offering CELA services to Ontarians with print disabilities through all Ontario public libraries. We offer our deepest thanks to the libraries and their staff, our patrons and all those who advocate on our behalf for their ongoing support of our goal to ensure that people with print disabilities can fully participate in our national conversations and experience the joy of public libraries.
We have a lot of exciting innovations planned for the next year and we encourage your and your staff to subscribe to ournewsletter and follow us on Twitter and Facebook to get the latest updates.
Thank you
Michael Ciccone
Executive Director
Centre for Equitable Library Access / Centre d’accès équitable aux bibliothèques
M: 905-320-5144 | celalibrary.ca | Twitter | Facebook