Since 2016, FOPL, in partnership with Brendan Howley and Icebox Logic, has offered an innovative digital marketing and storytelling course for free to all our members.


Over 35 library systems have completed the program. We now have a footprint of OMD-trained library staff serving over half of Ontario’s residents, in library systems of all sizes. I’m excited to inform you that this program will be continuing in the Winter and Spring of 2018. Registration is open for those who want to participate this yearand our first course starts February 6th.
The course commitment is six 2-hour online group sessions. Over the course of six weeks, you and a small group of peers will learn a variety of essential skills such as:

  1. Develop innovative program ideas that resonate with your audience
  2. Learn how to write strong stories for use in blogs, social media posts, or public communications
  3. Use audience polling and web analytics to understand your audience and what they want
  4. Learn how to plan an entire media and marketing campaign around your programs
  5. Share ideas and feedback with other organizations facing similar challenges to yourself


And much much more. You can learn about OpenMediaDesk at the Icebox Logicwebsite.


Course Start Dates for 2018

We highly encourage FOPL members to sign-up for one of the above dates. There is a maximum of 5library participants per course so register early to ensure your spot. All FOPL Members can register here.