In celebration of its 25th anniversary, Parks and Recreation Ontario is pleased to announce its first-ever Virtual Educational Forum! It’s your opportunity to stay connected, keep learning and keep moving forward with this 6-month educational event.
The Virtual Educational Forum kicks off on Wednesday, June 17, 2:00 pm with an Opening Keynote from former Olympian Jeremiah Brown. On Wednesday, September 2, hear from Brenda Robinson, who is known for her entertaining and informative keynote presentations in the parks and recreation sector. The Virtual Forum closes with a special, final keynote on December 9. In between the 3 Keynotes, the Forum includes 12 one-hour virtual sessions taking place throughout the Summer and Fall on Wednesdays at 2 pm.
One registration fee enables you to participate in all the sessions and receive recorded copies of the sessions (not including the keynotes). Events will take place on the Zoom Video Conferencing platform.
The registration fee for all keynotes and sessions is just $100 (plus HST) for PRO members and $150 (plus HST) for non-members.
We will also be offering opportunities for Exhibitor/Vendor interaction and product showcasing through our virtual platform so you can still learn about the latest trends in products, programs and services for our sector. More details to be announced soon!

The Virtual Program
Please note all events take place in EDT.
OPENING KEYNOTE June 17, 2:00 pm
Starting Over with Jeremiah Brown, Olympic Silver Medalist

July 8, 2:00 pm Introduction to Virtual Programming
- Adam Joiner, Executive Director, Boys and Girls Clubs of Ottawa; Heather Davidson, Board Member, Ontario Camps Association; Tammy Botham, Supervisor of Programs and Facilities, Town of Innisfil; Beth Fisher, Supervisor of Aquatics, Safety Certifications and Active Kids Programs, University of Guelph
July 15, 2:00 pm E-Sports: Get in the Game
- Mick Massey, Texas Regional Director, Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture, USA; Kevin Armstrong, Principal, Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture, USA
August 5, 2:00 pm Simply the Best: Parameters for Evaluating the Quality of Recreation Programs
- Anthony DeLaurentis, Community Recreation Programmer, City of Toronto
August 19, 2:00 pm Improving Efficiency by Standardizing Recreational Program Cancellation
- Melissa Dale, Manager, District 4 Recreation Operations, City of Hamilton; Laura Rolph, Recreation Supervisor, City of Hamilton
FALL KICK OFF KEYNOTE September 2, 2020, 2:00 pm
New Leaders for a Changing World of Work Post COVID-19
Brenda Robinson, The Robcon Group |
September 9, 2:00 pm Designs, Programs, Technology: Innovative Trends Now and for the Future
- Mick Massey, Texas Regional Director, Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture, USA; Kevin Armstrong, Principal, Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture, USA
September 30, 2:00 pm Rural Roundtable of Parks and Recreation Successes
- Jayne Jagelewski, Director of Community Services, Town of Saugeen Shores; Sherri Walden, Director of Parks, Recreation & Culture, Town of Hanover; Ryan Gibbons, Director of Community Services, Town of the Blue Mountains
October 14, 2:00 pm Does Your Agency Stifle or Facilitate Innovative Ideas?
- John Crompton, University Distinguished Professor, Texas A&M University, and College Station Councilman, Texas, USA
October 28, 2:00 pm Fostering Resilience in the Face of Adverse Childhood Experiences
- Dr. Allison Crawford, Associate Chief, Outreach, Telemental Health and ECHO Ontario and Associate Professor, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH); Dr. David Mastey, Manager, Northern Psychiatric Outreach Program and Special Outreach Projects, CAMH; Dr. Priya Watson, Assistant Professor Department of Psychiatry, CAMH; Kelvin Seow, Former District Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, City of Toronto
November 18, 2:00 pm How to Craft a World-Class Master Plan In-house
- Amanda Rodriguez, Marketing Manager, City of Grapevine, Texas; Kevin Mitchell, Director of Parks and Recreation, City of Grapevine, Texas
November 25, 2:00 pm Managing Inappropriate Behaviour by Creating an Environment for Children to Succeed
- Pat Daly, Portfolio Manager, City of Ottawa; Matthew Perkins, Recreation Supervisor, City of Ottawa
December 2, 2:00 pm Retention of Women and Girls in Sport and Physical Activity and CPRA Update
- CJ Noble, Chief Executive Office, Canadian Parks and Recreation Association
December 9, 2:00 pm Closing Keynote: Stay Tuned!
