#Art in Your Wallet
It is true. A Visit Will Get You Thinking and a library card, the #Art in Your Wallet, connects to collections, services, spaces, programs and technologies that make a difference in the lives of our communities.
The #Art in Your Wallet team (Sue, Debbie & Stephen) want to thank the libraries that have already shared their stories and their library card images for the book. What great diversity and inspiration! Almost 90 public libraries have contributed to date. Our goal is to include all libraries in this book that celebrates library cards, so we have a few more to go.
While the focus is in on the art in your wallet, we are celebrating ALL library cards and the images on the card. Town and library logos, photographs, paintings, whatever images are on the cards, are a product of design, art and creativity, and worthy of celebrating. Libraries are dynamic, and some of you might be in the process of rebranding, but as with any book, this is a snapshot in time, so please send us the information you have now. Maybe there will be second edition!
We have extended the submission date to Oct 6 (Thanksgiving weekend) which will give the team time to edit, publish and prepare for the launch of the book at the 2018 OLA Super Conference.
We would love to include your library in the book. Don’t be left out! Direct all submissions and any questions to Deb Duce at Huntsville PL.
Deborah DuceDeborah.Duce@huntsvillelibrary.ca |
Thank you so much.
Sue, Deb and Stephen.