Promotional Materials Available for Canadian Library Month, Ontario & Saskatchewan Public Library Weeks
August 9, 2018 –
October is Canadian Library Month! During this month, libraries and library partners across Canada raise awareness of the valuable role libraries play in Canadians’ lives.
Canadian Library Month also includes a number of other special days and weeks:
- Ontario Public Library Week (third week in October) via Ontario Library Association
- Saskatchewan Library Week (third week in October) via Saskatchewan Library Association
Over the last few weeks, the lead associations for these events—the Ontario Library Association and the Saskatchewan Library Association—have released graphics and other promotional materials for use by the Canadian library community.
Canadian Library Month / Ontario Public Library Week
Theme: A Visit Will Get You Thinking
Since 2016, the graphics created by the Ontario Library Association (OLA) for Ontario Public Library Week promotional materials have been modified for use across the country for Canadian Library Month (CLM).
The theme “A Visit Will Get You Thinking” leverages work by the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries (FOPL), Southern Ontario Library Service (SOLS), Ontario Library Service – North (OLS-North) and the Ontario Library Association (OLA) on a three-year marketing effort to drive new relevance with the general public. Core to that effort was the development of the marketing tagline “A Visit Will Get You Thinking.”
Canadian Library Month
Launched in 2006 by the Canadian Library Association (CLA), Canadian Library Month (CLM) provides an opportunity for Canadians not familiar with their local library to come down and experience all the services available to them.
CLM serves as a way to establish new relationships between the libraries and local communities while at the same time developing existing relationships.
- Complete set of materials from OLA (via DropBox)
- Selected materials
- Bookmarks (19.6 MB)
- Graphics (3.6 MB)
- Posters
- 11 x 17 – English (PDF) (10.8 MB)
- 11 x 17 – French (PDF) (10.8 MB)
Ontario Public Library Week
An annual fall event, Ontario Public Library Week was first announced by the province in 1985 and recognizes the important contribution Ontario’s public libraries make to education, literacy and life-long learning in Ontario communities.
Information about ordering posters and bookmarks from The Library Marketplace is available from the Ontario Library Association.
Saskatchewan Library Week
Theme: Libraries Transform!
Saskatchewan Library Week (SLW) is a province-wide, annual event, which promotes the wonderful resources and services that libraries have to offer. Saskatchewan Library Week is celebrated throughout Saskatchewan in all types of libraries, in both urban and rural communities and by all age groups.
- Complete set of materials from Saskatchewan Library Association – to follow
- Selected materials
- Web banner 1 (1500 pixels x 477 pixels)
- Web banner 2 (1500 pixels x 500 pixels)
- Poster graphic (3311 pixels x 5135 pixels)
(Via Ontario Library Association and Saskatchewan Library Association)
Good afternoon,
Is it possible to request promotional bookmarks and posters be mailed out? Thanks very much,
You would need to contact OLA for that.