Report Reveals Trends in Technology, Learning and Literacy at Ontario’s Public Libraries
Association releases new report on children’s services in public libraries


TORONTO, ON (May 3, 2016): The latest Children’s Services Benchmark and Statistical Report reveals that public libraries are providing Ontario’s children with diverse technology, and parents are seeing libraries as a key community resource for learning, programs and literacy.

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The report, which is conducted every three years, evaluates various trends and nuances in how Ontario’s public libraries cater to children older than five and younger than 12 years of age. A free copy of the report is available online.

Highlights from the report include:

  • Caregivers see value in Ontario’s libraries. On average, children represent only 13 per cent of the total population served by public libraries, but they account for 24 per cent of the items borrowed from Ontario’s public libraries.
  • Libraries have more diverse programming for children. Programming options introduce children to various technologies (gaming, video programs, cartooning), leadership programs, music programs and programming focusing specifically on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).
  • The implementation of full day kindergarten is reported as having a significant impact on public libraries, On average, 30% of libraries report a change in programs offered and the target age of programs.
  • Children’s services in public libraries provide community volunteer opportunities with 51,547 hours contributed collectively annually.
  • Libraries are expanding items children can borrow. In addition to books and print material, children can borrow DVDs/Blu-ray discs, video games, e-content (music, books, movies, etc.) and tablets from their local library.

The report is based on survey data collected from over 150 public libraries in Ontario, and is coordinated by the Ontario Public Library Association, a division of the Ontario Library Association.


About the Ontario Library Association: The Ontario Library Association (OLA) is a centre of excellence for the library and information sector, with nearly 5,000 members who work in public, school, academic and special libraries. OLA enables members to advocate for the right of individuals to have free and equitable access to information. Our members research, develop and participate in educational programs designed to provide exemplary library services. OLA events include the annual Super Conference and the Forest of Read­ing®program.

Media Contact:

Annesha Hutchinson
Communications & Project Officer
Ontario Library Association
416.363.3388 x231