Dear CFLA Members –
On behalf of the Cataloguing Ethics Steering Committee, attached please find information regarding the REVISED DRAFT Cataloguing Code of Ethics. The timeline for feedback is exceptionally tight and unfortunately available only in English at this time.
Thank you for your understanding and participation.
Chers membres –
De la part de la Comité directeur de déontologie du catalogage, veuillez trouver ci-joint des renseignements au sujet de l’ébauche révisée de la Code de déontologie du catalogage. L’échéance de commentaires est extrêmement serrée et alors l’ébauche est disponible seulement en anglais pour le moment.
Merci de votre compréhension et de votre participation.
The Cataloging Ethics Steering Committee is pleased to announce the release of the REVISED DRAFT Cataloguing Code of Ethics. The document can be accessed by clicking on this link:
The Committee encourages you to provide feedback and ask questions by using the “Comment” feature in the Google doc. The window for commenting on the draft within the Google doc will close on Wednesday, October 7, 2020.
Further information about the Cataloguing Code of Ethics effort can be found on the Cataloging Ethics Steering Committee website: