TPL’s Online Programming
Online Programming FAQ
What are we doing?
TPL will begin offering centrally-
A mix of programs will be delivered by TPL staff as well as external collaborators and presenters. Programs will be live or pre-recorded and will be delivered using a variety of online tools like Crowdcast, Jitsi, WebEx Facebook Live, and/or YouTube. The homepage will highlight online programming.
Online programming will offer service continuity and will align with strategic priorities. Programs will include book clubs, digital innovation, literary and cultural programs, creative arts, storytimes, and special topics like environment, digital privacy, algorithmic literacy and personal finance.
Why are we doing it?
TPL wants to offer customers of all ages and interests the opportunity to participate in library programs from home.
People physically distancing from others need a sense of connection. They also want opportunities for learning and entertainment.
The library wants to be there for people at their point of need.
The library wants to be present in and nurture our communities.
Online programming extends our traditional leadership role in providing free and high-quality public programming.
Who is supporting and delivering online programming?
An Online Programming Work Group has been struck to support the development of online programming.
For the duration of the closure, online programming will be a centralized service. Programs will be proposed and delivered by SDI, CPCE and Branch Operations and Customer Experience (BOCE) staff.
Staff may propose programs through the Online Program Proposal form.
All programs will be supported by service committees, including staff from both SDI and BOCE.
The Online Programming Work Group will coordinate access to limited technical resources to support programs and provide guidelines and standards regarding promotion, legal, privacy, and accessibility considerations.
So what’s the benefit for TPL?
TPL’s customers have continued access to programs.
TPL staff have continued opportunities to program.
TPL continues to be a centre of culture and learning.
TPL continues to be present in its communities.
The library will leverage new technologies and develop a stronger online presence through sustained online programming.
Online programming will draw new users to our services. It may encourage these new users to become library card holders and attend future in-branch programs.
What’s Next?
Select pilot programs are already in development. As the Online Programming Work Group learns more about what works online, we will be reviewing proposals for online programs in consultation with the programming-related committees.
Branch/department teams are encouraged to discuss their programming ideas with their Branch/Department Head when submitting their online program proposal.
CPCE will provide branding, promotion, and in some cases, post-production support for online programming. TPL will
We have attached the FAQ for those of you who would like to know more about our Online Programming and do not have access to VPN.”