Sample cool TPL COVID-19 Messaging for users during the closures.
Via Vickery Bowles, City Librarian and FOPL Board member:
“With our branches closed, we have been shifting our efforts to serving our customers virtually. My message today highlights some of the collections and services that our customers have been enjoying from home:
- Use of our on-line digital content (i.e. ebooks, eaudiobooks, streaming video) is up by 37% since we’ve closed. Overdrive use is up 29% and video streaming is up 131%.
- TPL staff have been creating fabulous blog content that promotes our collections and online resources, provides information and readers’ advisory services, offers online learning opportunities, and brings online communities together. Here are some highlights:
46 eBooks For Keeping Busy at Home
The Reading Challenge Committee are regularly posting Challenge Categories related content:
Learn Online: 11 Digital Creativity Courses
Ready for Reading Storytime at Home
38 Ways to Use the Library from Home
COVID-19 Information Resource Guide
Staff across the organization are working on developing more content, and there is a working group developing online programming which some staff will have the opportunity to participate in. CPCE and ITS staff are working on updating the TPL homepage to better reflect and promote all of these wonder virtual collections, services and content that are still available to our customers, even though our branches are closed.”
Again, inspirational!