SOLS Budget Cuts in 2019/2020

SOLS Budget Cuts in 2019/2020


“This announcement was also posted on the SOLS blog

A good comment on the impact of SOLS:

SOLS has been a lifeline for libraries – particularly smaller libraries whose Townships do not have the revenue base to support the quality of services smaller libraries have been able to give their communities with SOLS support. One has to ask the question is there a rural-urban divide here?
SOLS provides:-
– professional advice on policy issues; CEO advice when handling Council or Library Boards
– networking meetings for library CEOs, steered by our designated SOLS Library Consultant
– Inter Library Loans – connecting smaller centres with all of Ontario’s libraries collections
– Courier Services that connect us to other libraries for shared “pooled” collections – such as Large Print – to assist our
aging community
– Training for Library Board Governance – a vital service for members, particularly new members
– Training and skill-set building for Library Staff through SOLS training workshops, assisting us in many areas, including
working with the most vulnerable in our communities
– Researching “best practices” for libraries on an ongoing basis, through analysing information and observing libraries
behaviour, to advise and contribute the data which allows each individual library to continuously improve their services
to their specific community’s needs, particularly their most vulnerable members

SOLS is our “Mother Ship” allowing all libraries to work together as one unit serving Ontarians so that everyone has equal access to library services.”