You can review the recording of the FOPL KOIOS webinar here.
Here is the recording of this webinar (slides and voice).
It outlines their offer and the value to the first 15 Ontario public libraries to get 60 days at no charge to set up their Google Grant eligibility and start their account and build a few campaigns to test your results. It’s a great deal and you’re under no obligation to work with KOIOS afterwards but they are offering special pricing to FOPL Members as below. It’s better to engage with Bea Pitocco at KOIOS and learn more after you’ve reviewed the webinar! Indeed, you CAN do this yourselves and work with the start-up that KOIOS is offering – but everything can work better and faster with a helping hand from them.
Our vision is to blanket Ontario with positive and call to action ads for Ontario’s public libraries. This builds on the OpenMediaDesk Initiative of the past three years – our Facebook boosts program, the LDII (Library Digital Impact Index) measurement strategy, the OMD training and our eOMD APP! More coming over 2019-2020!
The First 15 ‘charter’ libraries who sign up before August 30th for a full One Year Contract receive 30% Discount based on the following Pricing. In addition, these 15 “Leader Libraries” will make up our initial Canadian Users Group and will have access to a Facebook Group that will act as a meeting place for comments/suggestions on KOIOS Marketing.
Furthermore, the first 15 will benefit from the added Provincial marketing piece that will come from FOPL receiving our Koios Marketing Service(s) at no cost, allowing FOPL to run a more provincial campaign.
Here is the Pricing for the first 15 Libraries who sign up BEFORE Aug 30 2019:
NOTE: We’ve capped the exchange rate at 1.25%
After August 30th, any library that joins via FOPL will receive a standard FOPL discount of 20% On-going until end of 2019 at which point we can evaluate our pricing and discounts. Here is the pricing for ongoing FOPL Libraries with a 30 Day trial: