Tamarack: COVID-19 and Community Building
by FOPLED | Apr 21, 2020 | FOPL News |
Hi Stephen,
Today, we’re presenting a special edition of COVID-19 and Community Building, we are featuring stories and tools of Community Engagement. Today, join Melanie Goodchild, founder of Turtle Island Institute, an Indigenous social innovation think & do tank, in a webinar discussion on Healing Self & Systems. You can also join the Tamarack team in a discussion on Building Virtual Communities of Practice. See details below.
- How Community Engagement is Changing in the midst of COVID-19
In traditional community engagement there were clear and delineated roles about who is engaging who: the municipality looking for community input on a program; a collaborative is inviting community members with lived experience to play an advisory role; etc. Fast forward to now, COVID-19 has helped us to break the traditional rules and has expedited organizational adoption of, and comfort with, all things community-led. Read the full story.
- Engaging and Celebrating Canada’s Volunteers
This week it’s all about engaging with our volunteers! It is National Volunteer Week in Canada. It is an opportunity to applaud, thank and celebrate the contributions of millions of volunteers who annually donate their time and services to support community causes. This year will be different. Communities won’t be able to host recognition events and gatherings because of COVID-19. The theme of National Volunteer Week is even more important: it’s time to applaud this country’s volunteers. Read the full story
- Community Engagement Using the Virtual Peer Input Process
Are you struggling to make a breakthrough on an idea or new project? You can crowdsource the wisdom of your team using the Virtual Peer Input Process, as lot of us are now working from home. The Virtual Peer Input Process is a great way to focus a team’s discussion to make progress on an idea, practice or challenge you and your work or community team are facing. Read the full story
- EPIC Generosity in Nova Scotia
We only have to skim the daily news to see that the COVID-19 outbreak is hitting our most vulnerable the hardest. Grassroots community organizers are helping support many people who often aren’t on the radars of decision makers, and who may not qualify for assistance programs. Those closest to the ground know where the need is – and how to reach those families. Read the full story
- Finding Comfort (and Value) in Fresh Pasta
For my wife and I, engaging with friends around food is at the center of much of our social lives. We celebrate special occasions with special meals, and we engage with friends over drinks and food. In the midst of social distancing, we’re coming back to this family favourite to recapture the idea of dinner as something to do together, rather than something to simply keep us fed. Read the full story and recipe
A big thank you to those who shared their stories with us! We’re still accepting stories, so please reach out to Glenda to share yours.
We are offering at least one webinar a week until the end of April, and as always these are free. See the current list of webinars. The next webinars available are:
- Mushkiki (medicine) Healing Self & Systems
Date: April 21, 2020
Join Melanie Goodchild as she shares stories about her work supporting a regenerative future for Indigenous communities through Turtle Island Institute, a project on the Tides Canada shared platform. Explore the question “What kinds of mushkiki (medicine) do we need to foster transformative innovations?” Learn more & Register.
- Building Virtual Communities of Practice
Date: April 30, 2020
In this webinar, Liz Weaver and Lisa Attygalle will share how to design and support the development of a community of practice. Sylvia Cheuy will also share a case study from Atlanta Georgia which illustrates how intentional design can lead to an engaged peer learning network.
Much Joy,
Liz, Paul and the Tamarack Team