Dear Public Library and First Nation Public Library CEOs and Contracting Organization contacts,
The Annual Survey of Public Libraries Library Statistics (LibStats) database is now open for 2015 annual survey submission.
*Please note: The Final Deadline for submitting your Annual Survey of Public Libraries is October 31st, 2015.
**Important: If you do not submit your Annual Survey by the Final Deadline of October 31, 2016, you will not receive your Public Library Operating Grant (PLOG).
We urge your library or contracting organization to make use of the User Guide as you go through the survey. By clicking on ‘Help’ when you are in the EDCS system, you can access the User Guide and a printable blank survey form that will aid you in gathering your information prior to inputting your data.
If you have forgotten your Password, please click “Forgot your ID or password?” on the login page. Please make use of the attached ‘Go Secure Help and User Guide’.
To complete and e-file your Annual Survey of Public Libraries go to this website:
To find Ontario Public Library Statistics from previous years, please visit the Open Data website at: In addition, public library CEOs received a January 25 2016 email that included an attachment of their 2014 Ontario Public Library Statistics.
The contracting organization version of the survey is essentially unchanged from the previous version.  The public library version has new fields, including fields to report on streaming and downloading services and subscriptions, and 3-D Printers and “Maker Spaces” type services. Both surveys have pop-up bubble instructions you can click on to help provide guidance for some key data fields. 
If you have any questions or are experiencing technical difficulties, please feel free to contact Ministry staff: Rod Sawyer ( and Adam Haviaras ( you have difficulty with a Go Secure password or log-in, follow the instructions in the attached document and contact OPS IT service desk at 416-246-7171 or 1-888-677-4873You can also contact your Ontario Library Service consultant contacts for assistance.
Statistics submitted through the Annual Survey of Public Libraries are a requirement of the Public Libraries Act Regulation 976.
The Ontario Public Library Statistics are a valuable source of information both for the government and the public library sector. The submission of timely and accurate data helps to demonstrate the value of the province’s public libraries and highlights the many and varied services they provide in Ontario’s communities.
Thank you for participating in the Annual Survey of Public Libraries.
Chris Schiller
Manager, Program Planning and Delivery Unit
Programs and Services Branch
Culture Division
Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
À l’attention des directeurs généraux de bibliothèque publique, des directeurs généraux de bibliothèque publique des Premières Nations et des personnes-ressources des organismes ayant un contrat de service avec des bibliothèques publiques,
La base de données statistiques des bibliothèques de l’enquête annuelle sur les bibliothèques publiques pour 2015 est maintenant ouverte.