Today we offered a great webinar to provide public libraries in Ontario with support for engaging their MPP’s around increasing funding for public libraries in Ontario.
Now is the time when the provincial government sets it budget. In the context of the current Public Library Program Funding Review as part of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport’s First Provincial Culture Strategy, we are in a great position to positively influence our own funding.
Please participate!
PPT Slides
Here are the documents that help:
OLA and FOPL MPP Meeting Campaign Toolkit (updated to reflect cabinet shuffle)
MS Word Format
OLA & FOPL – MPP Meeting Campaign Toolkit REVISED (v3 – new Ministers)
PDF Format
OLA & FOPL – MPP Meeting Campaign Toolkit REVISED (v3 – new Ministers)
Here’s the Formal “ASK”
OLA FOPL pre-budget submission 2018
And FOPL’s cover letter to Minister MacMahon.
2018 Budget Submission_Letter_E McMahon
And, as always, please let us know how it went!