Toronto Public Library starting curbside drop-off and pick-up service
The introduction of these services will follow the reopening framework provided by the Province of Ontario, the advice of the Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health and the Toronto Medical Officer of Health, and incorporates best practices within library and retail industries for the safe delivery of curbside service.
Throughout this time, library customers can continue to place holds online, through the TPL website at, and will then be able to pick up their materials through a curbside pick-up service which will be available in early June. The suspension of fines implemented when the pandemic began will continue until regular service resumes.
Last week, the Province announced that Ontario libraries are allowed to resume limited services, with curbside pick-up and drop-off of materials, when they are safely able to do so. All library branches remain closed to the public for in-branch services. Many online library services continue to be available throughout these closures:
Eleven of TPL’s branches have been set up as pop-up food banks and have been serving thousands of clients over the past two months. As these branches open to curbside pick-up of materials, these food banks will be transitioned to other community partners, with no interruption of service. The City will make an announcement about these new locations in the coming weeks.
For more information and regular updates about TPL’s curbside drop-off and pick-up service, visit
“Safely and carefully re-opening our libraries to residents in this phased approach is another step in our journey to recovery and getting residents back to activities they engaged in prior to the pandemic. We look forward to reopening more programs and services in the coming weeks and months when our public health officials advise that it is safe to do so.”
– Mayor John Tory
“We are all excited about this first step in the reinstatement of our services, with the introduction of curbside drop-off and pick-up of materials. It’s been so heartwarming to see the public excitement about this news. We know how many Torontonians rely on their library to stay connected, informed and engaged.”
– Vickery Bowles, City Librarian
“With the delivery of this service, the health and safety of our staff and our customers is our top priority. That is why we are taking a phased approach to reinstating library service, with this priority in mind, and with every decision being made through this lens.”
– Sue Graham-Nutter, Chair of the Toronto Public Library Board
Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture, and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses. For more information visit or follow us on Twitter at, on Instagram at or on Facebook at
Media Relations
I just cant figure out where to go on your website to schedule a pickup
Its extremely confusing..Just add a comment that says Curbside pickup
click here with the form to enter our information. Please try that for some of us older subscribers.
This comment would be better placed on the TPL website instead of our news feed.