May 29th event at 2pm EST

Here is the recording.

———- Forwarded message ———
From: <>
Date: Thu, May 23, 2019 at 12:30 PM
Subject: Beatrice Pitocco’s Zoom Meeting
To: <>, <>
Description:How to get up to $10,000 in free Google advertising for your library with Koios Library Marketing

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+19292056099,,701237463# US (New York)
+16699006833,,701237463# US (San Jose)

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+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 701 237 463
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Beatrice Pitocco’s Zoom Meeting

Beatrice Pitocco is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Join Zoom Meeting tap mobile
+19292056099,,701237463# US (New York)
+16699006833,,701237463# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 701 237 463
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Wed May 29, 2019 2pm – 4pm Eastern Time – Toronto
Where (map)