We are pleased to welcome Anne Smith to the FOPL Board of Directors. Anne is the new Small Medium Caucus Trustee and joins us from the Innisfil IdeaLAB and Public Library board.
Anne Smith is a retired Financial Services Industry executive (was based in Toronto). She moved to Innisfil 10 years ago and quite quickly became a volunteer in many community based organizations in the area. She is currently in her second term of being the Chair of the Innisfil Library Board; Past President and current Chair of Administration for the Rotary Club of Innisfil, Treasurer/Board member of the Innisfil Community Foundation, Board Member of the Royal Victoria Hospital (RVH) Foundation and member of the Innisfil Royal Victoria Hospital (RVH) Cabinet. Anne and her husband Bruce are the proud parents of two daughters and grandparents of five grandchildren (including two sets of twins).