First Notice – Annual General Meeting

Hello Members, The Annual General Meeting for the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries will take place virtually via Zoom on Friday, June 10th at 10:00am. Please note this change from the previously mentioned date in April. Registration will begin at 9:30am. The draft agenda can be found on the website in the members section, It will be updated 30 days prior to the AGM. Only members in good standing are eligible to attend and vote at the AGM. Registration To attend the...

Update from OLS – Respectful Indigenous Subject Headings

The Ontario Library Service is committed to continuous learning to inform inclusive and diverse thinking in our programs and services.  A part of this process is thinking about existing services in relation to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action.  The OLS is working to further our commitment to access and decolonization of the JASI integrated library system consortia catalogue.  We have undertaken this action in support of the Canadian Federation of Library...

Truth and Reconciliation in Your Library – Implementation, Part 2

CFLA’s Truth & Reconciliation Committee was organized by utilizing and adapting the medicine wheel framework. This was chosen as the framework through which the Indigenous worldview can be understood. The Committee was divided into four teams with the following responsibilities: The Black Team compiled Best Practices already in existence related to Indigenous peoples of Canada. The White team provided a gap analysis on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Calls to Action and...

Continued Support for TPL’s Digital Archive Ontario

The Ontario government is providing the Toronto Public Library (TPL) with nearly $1.5 million to deliver free online resources to library users in Toronto and across the province – including in rural, remote and First Nation communities – through Digital Archive Ontario. “With its extensive collections and rare and unique content, the Toronto Public Library is a valuable resource for all Ontarians,” said Lisa MacLeod, Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries. “This...

The National Indigenous Knowledge and Language Alliance (NIKLA)

The National Indigenous Knowledge and Language Alliance (NIKLA) mission is to create an association to unify and amplify the voices of Indigenous Peoples (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit) to network and nurture a community of practice related to Indigenous knowledge, cultural memory, language, and Indigenous ways of knowing, as they relate to culture memory and heritage. FOPL has joined NIKLA as an organizational member as we strive to expand our allyship with First Nations partners,...

OTF’s Resilient Communities Fund: Grants available for 2022

The Ontario Trillium Foundation supports non-profit organizations as they continue to recover and build resiliency due to impacts of COVID-19. The impacts of COVID-19 remain at the forefront of the sectors’ ability to build resiliency and support communities across Ontario. The non-profit sector continues to face many challenges, including how to adapt program and service delivery, meet changing community needs and address health and safety requirements. The Resilient Communities Fund supports...

Truth and Reconciliation in Your Library – Implementation, Part 1

CFLA's Truth & Reconciliation Committee was organized by utilizing and adapting the medicine wheel framework. This was chosen as the framework through which the Indigenous worldview can be understood. The Committee was divided into four teams with the following responsibilities: The Black Team compiled Best Practices already in existence related to Indigenous peoples of Canada. The White team provided a gap analysis on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Calls to Action and...

January 2022 – Budget Consultations

The first few weeks of the year have been very busy as FOPL and a few our of member libraries attended budget consultations for the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs and The Ministry of Finance consultations. Thank you to everyone who applied for deputations with the Standing Committee and to those who were accepted and spoke. We were able to have full representation in each area across Ontario and heard from libraries such as Leeds and Thousand Islands, Ottawa, Blue...

December 2021 – Pre-Budget Consultations

Pre-Budget consultation hearings by the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs are in January. We would like representation from each region at the meetings to ensure that Public Libraries are heard. We are working with Counsel Public Affairs to develop the 2-3 minute speaking notes which are based on our draft budget ask. Shelagh Patterson and I have reached out to specific Libraries across the province for representation, however, if you are interested in participating for your...

November 2021 – Cabinet Shuffle

We continue to make progress with our government relations priorities and craft our messages for the various political parties. Our meetings with Stephen Del Duca and the NDP Platform Party Chair are forthcoming so we will be focusing on those in the next couple of weeks. Kevin Finnerty announced his retirement recently and we will have a new Deputy Minister for the MHSTCI. We will be reaching out to Sarah Harrison after she begins her new role on December 6th.  Best wishes to DM Finnerty in...