Leger: This week’s survey on Canadians’ and Americans’ perspectives on COVID-19 and other current events.

Hello, Every week, we survey Canadians and Americans to explore their perspectives on COVID-19 and other current events. To help you stay up to date, we are sharing the results of our latest survey. COVID-19 SURVEY RESULTS - JULY 28, 2020 Conducted using our representative LEO (Leger Opinion) panel, in partnership with the Association for Canadian Studies (ACS), and published in The Canadian Press. 57% of Canadians and 51% of Americans think that the COVID-19 vaccine should be mandatory for...

Independent bookstores in Canada’s post-Covid cultural landscape

Independent bookstores in Canada’s post-Covid cultural landscape Prepared by the More Canada think tank project steering committee 21 July 2020 17 Page PDF Independent_Bookstores_in_Canadas_post-Covid_cultural_landscape  

Reading List: How Libraries Help Authors and Publishers Boost Book Sales

Update: Letters to the editor G&M ‘What next, grocery stores taking income away from chefs?’ Readers debate: Are libraries a net harm to literature and book publishing? This recent editorial opinion in the Globe & Mail has ignited another debate about the impact of public libraries sales.  It is 'opinion' since it remains remarkably research and fact-free.  However,...

The rapid democratization of web-based video conferencing has suddenly trained multiple generations on its use

New essay with Michael Stephens and Michael Casey in Online Searcher: "This rapid democratization of web-based video conferencing has suddenly trained multiple generations on its use. With this barrier to use now removed, libraries have before them a very large population that is comfortable with web conferencing, tele-medicine, and other tools for remote video interactions. Our for merly in-person reference transactions and public-facing training sessions can now take place online,...

COVID-19 scenario planning for nonprofit and philanthropic organizations

COVID-19 scenario planning for nonprofit and philanthropic organizations Navigating uncertainties in the social sector The COVID-19 crisis has created a moment of hyper-uncertainty for social sector organizations. No one knows how the future will unfold, but the tools of scenario planning can help social sector leaders better prepare their organizations for the different, possible futures that may unfold....

Municipal money, mask mandates, and a new mini bubble – in this week’s COVID-19 recap MW SHARES Podcast: MUNICIPAL PANDEMIC RESPONSE

July 24, 2020 MW SHARES: MUNICIPAL PANDEMIC RESPONSE  The mask mandate trend moves West! Jody Johnson, Director of Legal Services for Halton Region, joins Municipal World CEO Susan Gardner to discuss masks, new legislation in Ontario, news about municipal funding in British Columbia, and a possible move to stage 4 for Manitoba. Plus, talks of a new mini bubble in Eastern Canada. LISTEN...