Beausoleil First Nation sees improved internet through Connecting Public Libraries Initiative

The Ontario Library Service continues to implement the Connecting Public Libraries Initiative, a $4.85M project investment made by the Province of Ontario to upgrade broadband internet service at approximately 50 public libraries in unserved and underserved communities across the province.  To date through the Connecting Public Libraries Initiative (CLI), 13 public library branches have been connected with improved speeds of at least 50/10mbps.  This improved connection reaches over 35,000...

National Survey to Public Libraries re: Digital Literacy Training

Researchers from McMaster University, Ontario Tech University and the University at Buffalo are conducting a study on digital literacy training initiatives for the general public led by public libraries. CULC and CFLA are two of the partner organizations on this SSHRC-funded project. The attached letter of information provides more details about the study. Please forward this email to administrators and instructors in your library who may be interested in completing a survey. The first 200...

Truth and Reconciliation Plan

Truth & Reconciliation Plan - FOPLThe Indigenous Libraries Working Group has created the above linked document to guide the work of the federation as we strive towards reconciliation. FOPL, as a provincial federation, made up of Ontario library system members, has the opportunity to be a leader in Truth and Reconciliation work within our provincial library system. This document outlines areas where FOPL can be a catalyst for change and disruptor of current...

March 2023

Stakeholder consultations with the Ministry of Tourism Culture and Sport were concluded in late March. We will be staying in touch with Ministry staff and offering any follow-up they may require. The MTCS has expressed an interest in “modernizing” the library sector’s funding contribution and we are hopeful that we will see some movement on our provincial priorities. The 2023 Provincial Budget was released on March 23rd. It came as no surprise that there was no mention of an increase or...

Inclusive Community Grants

If your library is looking to embark on a project for seniors and/or to make your space more accessible, this grant may be applicable. The Inclusive Community Grants Program helps ensure local governments and community organizations consider Ontarians of all ages and abilities at every stage of community planning and development. Inclusive communities respond to both the opportunities and challenges of an aging population by: creating physical and social environments that support independent...

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: CFLA Intellectual Freedom Award / APPEL DE CANDIDATURES: Prix de la FCAB pour la Liberté Intellectuelle

le français suit The Canadian Federation of Library Associations’ Intellectual Freedom Committee (IFC) is seeking nominations for its INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM AWARD, intended to recognize those Canadian libraries, individuals or library-related organizations that have best upheld and defended the principle of intellectual freedom in 2022. By Intellectual Freedom the CFLA refers to the belief that all persons in Canada have a fundamental right, subject only to the Constitution and the law, to have...

Second Notice – Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting for the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries will take place virtually via Zoom on Friday, April 21st at 10:00am. Registration will begin at 9:30am so please log in prior to the 10:00am start time so we can record your attendance. The Draft Agenda Package can be found on the website under AGM in the member’s section. Only members in good standing are eligible to attend and vote at the AGM. Those who have paid their 2023 membership balance are considered members in...

CELA Service in Ontario Public Libraries Certificate Program Now Available

The Ontario Library Service is thrilled to partner with the Centre for Equitable Library Access (CELA) to offer a free, enhanced accessibility training certificate program for public libraries to support Ontarians with print disabilities. The “CELA Service in Ontario Public Libraries” certificate is open to Ontario library staff and volunteers at all service levels. The program, which is available in English and French, provides a comprehensive overview of CELA’s services in four, one-hour...

B.C. announces $45M funding boost for public libraries

The British Columbia government says it will provide a one-time funding boost of $45 million to public libraries across the province. The investment will be shared between all 71 public library organizations in B.C., supplementing the $14 million in annual operating funds the province provides. The B.C. municipal affairs ministry says the money will be dispersed on March 31 to help local libraries expand their operating hours and grow their digital collections. "From offering regular access to...

CFLA Media Release: RCMP Confirms Censorship Attempts Were Unwarranted at BC School Libraries

RCMP Confirms Censorship Attempts Were Unwarranted at BC School Libraries FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 14 March 2023, Canada Libraries continue to defend students’ freedom to read in the face of increased censorship tactics. A recent RCMP investigation found that items in Chilliwack, BC school libraries – while they may be deemed inappropriate or concerning to some people – do not contain child pornography. The investigation was in response to a complaint from a member of a Canadian-based group which...