OLA Library Building Award Winners Announced!

The Ontario Library Association is proud to announce the winners of the OLA Library Building Award - Library Architectural and Design Transformation for their exceptional library renovation projects. We congratulate the library and design teams on their exceptional submissions.The award presentation will be made at the OLA Annual Institute on the Library as Place event, held from June 17-18, 2024, in Mississauga, Ontario. This year’s theme is 'Tools of Engagement.' The Library Architectural...

Submit to the Ontario Public Library Service Awards!

The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport is pleased to announce the launch of the Ontario Public Library Service Awards. The awards recognize Ontario’s public libraries for their creative library service ideas. There are two awards, each with categories for large, medium, and small libraries: Minister's Award for Innovation recognizes successful new approaches that demonstrate a positive impact in a community and are of continued value to public libraries Angus Mowat Award of...

CFLA-FCAB Indigenous Matters Committee Steps to Reconcili-Action

In 2017, the Canadian Federation of Library Associations /Fédération Canadienne des Associations de Bibliothèques Indigenous Matters Committee published its Truth and Reconciliation Report which included a list of recommendations on what the library community can do. Since that time, over thirty Canadian libraries, Associations, and Institutions have endorsed the report. Following a survey of endorsing organizations in 2023, the Indigenous Matters Committee has created a list of actions taken...

Welcome Sarah!

Please join us in welcoming Sarah Vaisler as our new Large Urban Caucus CEO Representative! Sarah joined the Ajax Public Library team in March 2020, as the Chief Librarian and Executive Officer. Prior to her position with Ajax, Sarah served as the Deputy Director at Clarington Public Library. With 18 years of experience, Sarah brings a well-rounded library background to the table, having contributed to academic, legal, and public library environments. Sarah actively works to keep public...


I’m exceptionally pleased to share with all of you that the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport will be providing additional funding for First Nations Public Libraries! An additional investment of 1.25 million per year for a total of 3.75 million over three years will be allocated through the First Nations Salary Supplement and Provincial Libraries Operating Grant, an increase of almost 300% of what these libraries are currently receiving. While we do not have the details of this commitment...

Trend Forecasting: ALA Releases the “State of America’s Libraries 2024”

It's interesting to keep an eye on what is happening with the libraries of our southern neighbour. Often we can look to American libraries to forecast trends as issues tend to creep upwards from the USA.  The American Library Association has just released the 2024 installment of the "State of America's Libraries". This report reveals the most challenged books of 2023, the top-most trends in American libraries and in doing so, gives us keen insight into the political climate these libraries are...

Invitation to CFLA-FCAB Consultations

CFLA-FCAB is undertaking a series of transformative projects this year to ensure the Federation is positioned to fulfil its mission as the voice of Canadian Libraries. The Board recognizes several areas of opportunity including communications and member engagement, clearly defined advocacy goals, and potential changes to the organization's governance structure. The goal of this work is to ensure the viability of CFLA-FCAB as a national, cross-sectoral library association, and to provide value...

2024 Provincial Budget Announcement

We are currently engaging with MTCS officials regarding budget allocations for library sector support included in today’s 2024 Ontario Budget. We anticipate that we will have more information to share with members shortly, including positive news on a portion of our priority asks as outlined in our joint pre-Budget submission. Apologies for the delay but please stay tuned for more information.

2024 AGM First Notice

The Annual General Meeting for the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries will take place virtually via Zoom on Friday, APRIL 26, at 10:00am. Registration will begin at 9:30am so please be sure to log in prior to 10am so that you can be marked in attendance. The draft agenda and all supporting documents can be found on the website in the members section, It will be updated 30 days prior to the AGM. Only members in good standing are eligible to attend and vote at the AGM....

CFLA/FCAB’s Intellectual Freedom Committee is Recruiting

CFLA/FCAB's Intellectual Freedom Committee is searching for TWO new members.  We welcome nominations from CFLA/FCAB member associations and self-nominations from members of CFLA/FCAB member associations. Once appointed to the Committee, the responsibility of members is to the Committee, not to the nominating body.  The Committee strives to include a wide variety of backgrounds and interests, uniting individuals who value the principles of intellectual freedom and their application in the...