Truth and Reconciliation Plan

Truth & Reconciliation Plan – FOPLThe Indigenous Libraries Working Group has created the above linked document to guide the work of the federation as we strive towards reconciliation. FOPL, as a provincial federation, made up of Ontario library...

March 2023

Stakeholder consultations with the Ministry of Tourism Culture and Sport were concluded in late March. We will be staying in touch with Ministry staff and offering any follow-up they may require. The MTCS has expressed an interest in “modernizing” the library sector’s...

Inclusive Community Grants

If your library is looking to embark on a project for seniors and/or to make your space more accessible, this grant may be applicable. The Inclusive Community Grants Program helps ensure local governments and community organizations consider Ontarians of all ages and...

Second Notice – Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting for the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries will take place virtually via Zoom on Friday, April 21st at 10:00am. Registration will begin at 9:30am so please log in prior to the 10:00am start time so we can record your attendance. The...