Quite a few libraries already have access to the FOPL OpenMediaDesk Facebook Group.
We have been populating this group with all kinds of ideas and resources for sharing with your communities during the School and Library mandatory closures.
Lots of really cool links that you can use to be helpful to your communities!
You can join it easily now here:
OpenMediaDesk™ / FOPL
For advice on messaging during COVID-19 situation, check out this post:
5 Ways to Do Smart & Responsible Marketing During COVID-19
Most the FOPL OpenMediaDesk links are updated regularly on this FOPL blog post:
Virtual Messaging and Programming Ideas for Library Physical Closures
If you’ve encountered great ideas, please share them with our sector in the comments.
Stephen Abram, MLS, FSLA
Executive Director, Federation of Ontario Public Libraries
FOPL: 416-395-0746
Blog: http://www.fopl.ca
Twitter: @foplnews
Cel: 416-669-4855
Twitter: @sabram
OpenMediaDesk: https://www. facebook.com/groups/ 1176265332396425/
FOPL is open for business but working from home! Use my cel to contact me