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Forest of Reading Forest
 of Reading

Hello Forest of Reading Registrants and OSLA Members!

A lot has changed in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic in these past few weeks. For our registrants, our members, our readers, and our authors, it has been an incredibly challenging time.

Here is the update for April and some resources as we move through the next few weeks:

  • The Forest of Reading programs remain running for the 2020 year. A reminder that is open to the public during this unprecedented time. 
  • We have a NEW contest called SHOW US WHAT YOU’VE GOT!
  • Voting is open for all of the school-aged award programs.
  • How to access the Forest of Reading books?
  • Blue Spruce author readings coming soon!
  • Forest Fridays and Mercre-LIT virtual author visits are underway.
  • Applications for the Kid and Teen Committees are now open!
  • Forest of Reading Festivals have been cancelled for 2020, but a virtual announcement of awards will take place.
  • In the school sector and looking for professional development?
  • Join or renew your Ontario School Library Association membership today!



Resources during COVID-19

The Ontario Library Association is currently pulling together updates and resources from members in all sectors.

Please visit our COVID-19 Updates webpage where we’ll be adding resources, links, and relevant news, as well as updating on our operations, membership, services, and programs.



Use Social Media and Show Us What You’ve Got!

With schools and public libraries currently closed in much of Canada we want to see how people are running the program and reading the Forest of Reading books.

We would love to see how the readers are engaging with the books in your program. Be sure to tag #forestofreading and #ireadcanadian with your pictures and videos on Twitter and Facebook.



Voting is Open for Two Months!

We are listening to you! Many of you have contacted us to extend the voting – voting is now open until June 1.

Young readers can vote from their homes or those running the program can run their own voting and then enter them together.

We recognize that many readers will not have met the minimum requirements for voting, however, this can be to the discretion of those supporting the program as we want to make sure every young reader has the chance to have their vote count.

All voting materials are on the Forest of Reading website under the “Voting” tab.

Let all the Canadian young readers exercise their civic duty and vote for their favourite books!



Accessing the Forest Books

Many of our Forest registrants have been emailing asking us to release the nominated books so the kids can get access from home.

We just wanted to remind everyone that the Forest of Reading are curated award lists selected by amazing library professionals, but we do not own the rights to the books.

Most Canadian publishers have relaxed their permissions on their books and read alouds. OLA  encourages people to access their public libraries lending programs and purchase from outlets that still deliver.


We have asked all of the Blue Spruce nominees to read their nominated titles and send us a video. We have 3 of the 10 as of today and expect the rest over the next week.

We will be releasing these videos soon so that all kids at home can be read the Blue Spruce books by their creators and prepare them for voting.



Forest Fridays Virtual Author Visits!

The Forest of Reading’s very successful program to showcase some of the 2020 nominees across the country, Forest Fridays, is well under way. Once the Forest Friday has happened the recording is posted on the website.

HOW TO CONNECT? Connection and recording links are available through the Forest of Reading website. We use the Adobe Connect platform.

*Schedule subject to change



Mercre-LIT: Visites virtuelles d’auteurs!

La Forêt de la lecture est ravie d’annoncer une nouveauté fascinante du programme cette année afin de présenter les finalistes de 2020 aux quatre coins du pays – Mercre-LIT!

Comment allons-nous procéder? Les auteurs animeront une visite virtuelle de 40 à 45 minutes et vous pourrez vous connecter depuis votre propre ordinateur. Il y aura ensuite une période de questions de 15 à 20 minutes, via la plateforme interactive.




Applications for Our Kid Committee and Our First-Ever Teen
 Committee Now Open!

We’re Looking for Keen Readers for the Kid and Teen Committees!

We are so excited to announce that we are accepting applications for the Kid Committees and Teen Committee!

At the time of this email, we are not certain what these committees will look like this year, but we are still accepting applications and hoping we will be able to proceed in late May/early June.

The application deadline is April 17, 2020. Apply today!



The 2020 Forest of Reading Festival Has Been Cancelled

Please be advised that the Ontario Library Association has made the very difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Forest of Reading Festivals scheduled in May for Waterloo Region (May 6), London (May 8), and Toronto (May 12 – 14).

We are looking forward to announcing the winners for the 2020 Forest of Reading programs virtually in June and we will have more details about how this will look in May.

View the Full Update Here