Here at FOPL we’re carefully planning our relationships with our government funders and supporters.

We’re at the start of a new four-year cycle with a new provincial government and many new municipal governments.

This is a great opportunity to re-introduce ourselves and the roles, impacts and value of our public libraries in Ontario’s communities.

You can help and prepare yourself, your board and your management teams and staff!

Consider implementing these Board, CEO and Management/Staff activities.

Listed below are links to:

  • Board training and resources for legacy planning and board member recruitment.
  • Template letters of welcome for new Councillors or Trustees.
  • A great book gift to offer in your meetings to introduce your library and yourself to new Councillors (along with a library card)
  • Our FOPL series of Influence webinars designed specifically for public libraries by our greatest advocates.

Library Boards Featured Learning Moment: Getting the best public library board for your community

Leadership by Design Module 5: Legacy and Succession.

Before your next board meeting, take a moment to review “Choosing an Effective Library Board

Library Board Transitions: Getting the best public library board for your community

Leadership by Design Module 5: Legacy and Succession. Consider asking your board members to engage in these learning (and thinking) activities:

As the election dates get closer, consider creating a Screening Matrix customized to what your community needs.

Looking ahead: to ensure continuity and to prepare the incoming board, it is important to prepare legacy documents including providing organized and up to date documents. Read more about this.

Library Board Transitions: Preparing for Board Recruitment in Your Community

Leadership by Design Module 5: Legacy and Succession. Consider asking your board members to engage in these learning (and thinking) activities:

Before your next board meeting, take a moment to review the Recruiting New Public Library Board Members Checklist

At Your Board Meeting, complete the Board Legacy Template

For the next meeting, start reading more about the recruitment process

Ensure that you welcome all new Councillors and Library Board Members. 

FOPL has provided this link to a template welcome letter as well as a great gift that orients them to the value and impact of public libraries.

We’re very pleased to announce that Art in Your Wallet: Library Cards and You (and Your Neighbours) is available now!

We expect that you can use this in many ways!

  1. Add it to your library’s collections and feature it prominently.
  2. Feature it on your website and blog.
  3. Purchase copies as welcoming gifts for your newly elected councilors!
  4. Purchase copies as welcoming gifts for your newly appointed library trustees.

If you need a template welcome letter for your new councilors you’ll find one here:

Model Letter to welcome New City, Town and County Councillors

Model Letter to welcome New City, Town and County Councillors

Here is the paperback and e-book ordering information:

Art In Your Wallet: Library Cards and You (And Your Neighbours)

by Stephen Abram (Author), Deb Duce (Author), Sue Morris (Author)

This book is about libraries in Ontario celebrating our value to our communities. These festivities are always wonderful but this year we start our 151st year of being a province and a country so we put together a book that celebrates library cards that are the Art in Your Wallet. Public libraries use wonderful images on Library cards to share library ideas, stories, histories, value, and more.

  • Price: Only $17.00 US ($22.92 CDN)
  • Paperback: 130 pages
  • Publisher: Federation of Ontario Public Libraries (2018)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 199943451X
  • ISBN-13: 978-1999434519
  • Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.3 x 8.5 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 11.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
  • Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item

Click here to order the paperback:

Feel free to order multiple copies!

Do you feel the need to polish up your (or your staff’s) influencing skills?

Influencing Skills: Advocacy for Public Libraries Syllabus for 9 Sessions

SOLS LearnHQ Registration is required – please click here (Free to FOPL Members)

Factors influencing funding decisions by elected politicians at the state/provincial level: a case study of public libraries in Canada: Part 1

Instructor: Cheryl Stenström, PhD

Understand key concepts in the advocacy process such as influence, persuasion marketing, promotion, lobbying and networking. Learn more about the highlights of the most recent research from Cheryl Stenström from her recent doctoral research where she studied the factors (internal and external) that influenced Canadian politicians and civil servants when making funding decisions about public libraries. The insights from her survey work show that while many public libraries are facing difficult decisions in the face of uncertain funding futures, the ability of the sector to obtain favourable responses to requests for increases and support may require a less simplistic approach than previously thought. The ability to create meaningful connections with individuals in many communities and across all levels of government should be emphasized as a key factor in influencing funding decisions.

Factors influencing funding decisions by elected politicians at the state/provincial level: a case study of public libraries in Canada: Part 2

Instructor: Cheryl Stenström, PhD

Continue to examine applications of influence in a variety of settings, e.g., local, provincial, and national. How do you identify stakeholders in your local setting? What are the key strategies you need to know and what is a good framework for action over the longer term? Cheryl Stenström shares her insights and completes this two-part foundation for exploring influencing and advocacy strategies for Ontario public libraries.

The Top 6 Best Practices for Advocates in Any Setting

Instructor: Professor Wendy Newman, MLS, University of Toronto iSchool

Simply one of the best library advocates around! Wendy Newman shares her insights on the top strategies, applying best practices, and directing your passion for public libraries successfully.

Networking for Positive Influence and Positioning

Instructor: Ken Haycock, MLS, MBA, PhD, University of Southern California

Training in positive networking techniques and theories with global expert and thought leader Dr. Ken Haycock.

Real Life: Advocacy Practitioners Sharing Session 1

Speaker: Sam Coghlan (Retired, Stratford Public Library)
Learning Objective: Advocacy in Town and County libraries

These teleconferences are moderated discussions of the experiences of talented library leaders and practitioners to successfully advocate for their libraries in their communities. Hear their war stories and strategies as well as their tips and tricks. Attend one, attend them all. The teleconference format will allow for greater accessibility for all Ontario libraries.

Real Life: Advocacy Practitioners Sharing Session 2

Speaker: Ken Roberts (Retired, Hamilton Public Library)
Learning Objective: Advocacy in Urban Libraries

These teleconferences are moderated discussions of the experiences of talented library leaders and practitioners to successfully advocate for their libraries in their communities. Hear their war stories and strategies as well as their tips and tricks. Attend one, attend them all. The teleconference format will allow for greater accessibility for all Ontario libraries.

Real Life: Advocacy Practitioners Sharing Session 3

Panel: Stephen Abram, host, Kerry Langford, Burlington Public Library Trustee, and Maureen Barry, CEO, Burlington Public Library
Learning Objective:
 Burlington Public Library’s Community Communication Strategy

These teleconferences are moderated discussions of the experiences of talented library leaders and practitioners to successfully advocate for their libraries in their communities. Hear their war stories and strategies as well as their tips and tricks. Attend one, attend them all. The teleconference format will allow for greater accessibility for all Ontario libraries.

Real Life: Advocacy Practitioners Sharing Session 4

Panel: Stephen Abram, Host TBA
Learning Objective: Advocacy Roles for Trustees

These teleconferences are moderated discussions of the experiences of talented library leaders and practitioners to successfully advocate for their libraries in their communities. Hear their war stories and strategies as well as their tips and tricks. Attend one, attend them all. The teleconference format will allow for greater accessibility for all Ontario libraries.

Real Life: Advocacy Practitioners Sharing Session 5

Panel: Stephen Abram, Host TBA
Learning Objective: Advocacy panel: Sharing stories and talking points

These teleconferences are moderated discussions of the experiences of talented library leaders and practitioners to successfully advocate for their libraries in their communities. Hear their war stories and strategies as well as their tips and tricks. Attend one, attend them all. The teleconference format will allow for greater accessibility for all Ontario libraries.



When you get questions or asked for additional information, FOPL has many resources upon which to draw including studies, impacts, statistics, and more.

We also provide the OpenMediaDesk News Room to populate your social media accounts with positive graphics and stories about the value and impact of our sector!

We’re here to assist at FOPL.

