Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport29 June 2018

Minister Jones was first elected to the Ontario Legislature in 2007 and has served in a variety of critic roles. Most recently, she was Deputy House Leader and the Critic for Infrastructure. During the PC leadership challenges earlier this year, she was a leading spokesperson for the PC caucus.
From Orangeville for over 30 years, Minister Jones previously attended Fanshawe College in radio broadcasting and served as John Tory’s EA when he was Ontario PC leader.
The new minister’s bio may be found here.
For a full list of new cabinet appointments, please go here.
Tourism, Culture and Sport Deputy Minister Maureen Adamson has announced she is moving to head up Fleming College later this summer.
We always welcome your comments. Please do not hesitate to get in touch!
RE: Library services in Ontario.
It is my belief that all Ontario libraries should allow any Ontario resident access to their on-line library material. They service should function as a single entity to the online reading public.
In a province as large as Ontario, access to books and online materials in any library in the Province should be available to all residents of the province without fee.
Sent: September 15, 2018 6:12 PM
Subject: Inefficency Issue…. The Province’s 13 Independent Tourism Regions.
Hello Premier Ford,
If you truly want to cuts expenditures in a major way, please take a close look at the annual waste within the 13 Tourism Regions in Ontario. This inefficient ‘regional approach’ to promoting our tourism assets across the province was set-up by the Liberal government in 2011, following a study by Greg Sorbara, the then MPP for Vaughan.
That 3-year study was titled the ‘Ontario Tourism Competitiveness Study’. The goal of the Study (2008-11) was to research the state of tourism in Ontario and review best practices in North America and around the world. Our now in-place process has proven to be both costly and inefficient in attracting visitors! For example, BC folded their similar program shortly after its implementation and quickly consolidated its tourism program into one office to save money! Please review the current Ontario ‘regional approach’ to tourism and carry-out a cost reduction process immediately, or create a new CONSOLIDATED centralized authority asap! In truth, Regions 1-12 compete with one another…. which is unquestionably a very wasteful use of Ontario tax dollars.
[THE ORIGINAL 2011,FAILED GOAL: Each Regional Tourism Organization will be independent, industry-led and ‘not-for-profit’ and each will provide leadership and coordination to support competitive and sustainable tourism regions. As a result, Ontario’s tourism industry will have a stronger combined voice and is better equipped to attract more visitors, generate more economic activity, and create more jobs across the province.] This seemingly laudable concept has had very minimal impact, when ROI is factored into the annual financial equations, ever since year one (2011). Do something now!
Ontario’s 13 Tourism Regions…. Expenditure: Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport (2016-17)
GRANTS in Support of the 13 Tourism Regions in ON …………. $38,599.000
Ontario Tourism Marketing PARTNERSHIP Corp. …………….….. $38,467,500
TOURISM Program 2016/17 (operating expense) ………………….$125,353.900
TOTAL Cultural Operating Expense (voted on) ………………..….. $245,318,100
SEE BELOW (Note: Map defining region removed) : Essentially, all bordering Tourism Regions 1-12 in Southern Ontariocompete with one another…. which is a very wasteful use of tax dollars.
John G. Dickson
DC :: DicksonConsulting
Vision I Logic I Direction
iPhone: 519-381-6577
Office: 519-491-6373
— Hire for Intelligence… then train for whatever is next.
–– Dare to dream… based on a well-conceived plan.
— The Death of Distance means…. All Value from Brainware!
— Expose yourself to the best things humans have done, then
bring those things into what you are doing.
Dear Mr. Dickson:
Premier Ford has forwarded to me your Sept. 15th email regarding Ontario’s Regional Tourism Organizations. As the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport, I am pleased to respond on the Premier’s behalf.
Tourism is a vital economic driver for Ontario, making significant contributions to our economy and supporting over 390,000 jobs. While the goal of the Regional Tourism Organizations is to improve coordination, investment, and planning within the regions across Ontario, we are open to receiving feedback on ways to better align and utilize resources.
You raise many important issues that our government is committed to addressing. As you may know, I recently announced that the government will be developing a new tourism strategy for Ontario. Consultations will commence later this fall with the sector including tourism operators and tourists. Through the consultations, the government will seek feedback on issues affecting the industry, including better defining the role of government and industry to reduce duplication and increase alignment. Discussion of the future role of the regional tourism organizations will be an important part of that dialogue.
Thank you again for bringing your perspectives to this important discussion. Your comments will be considered as part of the review process. Further information on how you can take part and share your feedback during the consultations later this fall will be posted soon on the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport website.
Best wishes,
Sylvia Jones
c. The Honourable Doug Ford, Premier
The City of Brantford wants to demolish a whole street of preConfederation heritage buildings using Federal stimulus money.This was the birthplace of commercial Brantford. Please put a stop to this demolition.
Good morning Minister Jones. My wife and I reside in Northern Ontario and are retired. In conversation with others in our area we would like you to consider opening up the provincial parks for camping. We in the north have camping areas that have more than enough room to accommodate the coved 19 concerns. One would think that if people are allowed to go golfing, then camping should also be included. We have a very short season, so please consider our request.