19 Positive Summer Reading Activities During COVID

Loads of great ideas here 19 Positive Summer Reading Activities During COVID Adapt If COVID has taught me anything, it is to keep in mind the one-word slogan of Navy SEALS: Adapt. We are public librarians. We adapt. We adapted during the digital age to maintain our relevance. COVID is not going to stop us. Irrespective of where you are right now, summer reading has boiled down to three options: passive,...

Table of Contents: July 2020 issue of Municipal World

INSIDE THE JULY ISSUE Canadian municipalities switch gears in crisis  Emergency response plans developed for natural disasters were only the starting point for local governments in the COVID-19 pandemic. Find out how municipalities have found themselves breaking new ground and making rapid decisions with minimal information. COVID-19 and working from home  The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the lives of many municipal employees as working from home has become the new normal. Discover how...

Leger Weekly Survey: Canadian/American Pride and Mandatory Masks

Hello, Every week, we survey Canadians and Americans to explore their perspectives on COVID-19 and other current events. To help you stay up to date, we are sharing the results of our latest survey. COVID-19 SURVEY RESULTS - JUNE 30, 2020 Conducted in partnership with the Association for Canadian Studies (ACS) and published in The Canadian Press. 77% of Canadians think there will be a second wave of the virus. Americans are more likely than Canadians to report they wear a mask when going...

Municipal World: MW Shares Podcast: Digital transformation in the face of a pandemic – Part 1

June 30, 2020 MW SHARES: MUNICIPAL PANDEMIC RESPONSE Does working from home make your teams more productive? IT specialist Ben Perry joins Susan Gardner to discuss the significant uptake on digital solutions we’ve seen during the pandemic and how municipalities adapted so quickly to the work-from-home frontier. Plus the big tech challenges he foresees for municipalities across Canada. LISTEN...

Expression of Interest – Centre for Equitable Library Access Executive Director

The Board of CELA is seeking a candidate and would like to share the following opportunity. Expression of Interest - Centre for Equitable Library Access Executive Director Expression of Interest - Candidates EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR CENTRE FOR EQUITABLE LIBRARY ACCESS (CELA/CAEB) Since October 2019, under the direction of our Executive Director Rina Hadziev, CELA has made significant strides to improve the user experience of the CELA website, develop new partnerships and continue expanding the...

EveryLibrary Institute: Library Advocacy and Funding Conference September 14-16th

EveryLibrary Institute Library Advocacy and Funding Conference The world's largest virtual conference dedicated to library advocacy and funding! Join us September 14-16th REGISTER The library industry is under threat from a number of major crises simultaneously during these uncertain times, particularly the loss of financial and voter support. The COVID-19 crisis has decimated the fundamental municipal...

To Be Human in a Pandemic

To Be Human in a Pandemic "You aren’t alone. You never were. And you never will be." To my fellow humans - ride the waves when they come, rest when they are calm and keep looking to the horizon.